
Economically, cod is probably the most important consumer fish caught in Danish waters. It is widespread in the eastern Atlantic, North Sea and in domestic Danish waters, with around 30,000 tonnes of fish caught annually by Danish fishers.

In fact, it has been necessary to limit fishing to protect cod stocks in recent years. Chrisfish supports initiatives to promote sustainable fishery.

Cod fillet – countless ways to prepare it

Nutritious, low in fat and full of flavour, cod has always been an important part of Danes’ diets. Historically, it was eaten salted and dried (when it is called “clipfish”) or mounted on sticks or racks and air-dried. Today, most Danes prefer to eat cod fillets fresh, whether steamed, baked, or pan-fried – there are so many different ways to prepare them.

Chrisfish has supplied and marketed cod since the company was founded in 1962, and we therefore possess great expertise in the preparation of cod fillets, cod loins and tails. We know everything there is to know about this amazingly versatile fish and can always recommend it – and we assume everyone else is just as crazy about it, too!

Contact Chrisfish today by calling +45 96 20 21 00 (for fresh fish) or +45 96 20 21 01 (for products in brine). You can also write to us by email:
